Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Sometimes people talk about the anthipodas of a country.  Can you tell me which are  the anthipodas of Spain?

Have you guessed it ? Yes, you´re right, it´s Australia. Therefore we are going to work about that country.

1. Make a world map and colour Spain and its anthipodas.

2. Make a map of that country and situate the three most important cities. Australia is divided in counties. Draw them in the map.

3.Explain why those cities are  important.

4. Now they have got big problems in Australia. What has happened?Why?

5. In that country, there are two special animals.
    a. which are those animals?
    b. stick a photo of them
    c. make a description of them: phisical appearance, where they live, what they eat, if they are in danger.

6. There are ver famous people from that country: singers, actors, actresses. Choose one and make a physical description of that person. You can stick a photo. Don´t forget  to tell us about their likes and dislikes.

Here you are some useful adresses:
I think you will find all the information you need here.
Remember, to pass this activity, you have to:
  •  answer all the questions
  • use complete and correct grammar sentences
  • clear and nice presentation
  • extra points: if you add extra and interesting  info about any of the questions mentioned


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